07713 625975

Dean House, Bepton Road, Midhurst, gu29 9ly

Mantis art is a small business, and as such opening hours can be spotty. Please feel free to call ahead of your visit.

Art Classes in West Sussex hosts a number of workshops and classes each week, covering many mediums and styles. Based at Mantis Art Studio and Gallery, your local creative hub in Midhurst, our aim is to provide a safe and welcoming place to engage with the arts. We encourage budding artists in our community, and support people in learning new things and having FUN!

Workshops are primarily taught by founder, Leticia Silva dos Santos, who also runs the gallery space. We also have guest artists teaching, such as local watercolour artist, Veronica Bailey, and others.

Life drawing

Fridays 6.30pm - 8.30pm, once or twice a month.

Mixed ability class.
Tutored and un-tutored options available.

Free glass of bubbly with each ticket.

Book now

Essence of Art weekly class

Tuesdays & Wednesdays 1-2:30pm

£20 per session, all materials included. Blocks of 6/7 sessions, next block starting February 25th and 26th.

Enjoy the freedom to explore a range of subjects and media at our weekly art classes. Relax and be creative.

Book now

Craft Club


- papermaking, mosaic, clay, jewellery making, candle painting, felting, card making and more
- seasonal crafts inc bauble painting, Christmas cards, Halloween decorations.
- occasional bonus sessions may incur an extra charge (e.g. for silver clay)

Sign up now


AFTER-SCHOOL ART CLUB at Mantis Art - open to all

KS1: Mondays 3.30-4.30pm

KS2: Thursdays 3.30-4.30pm

Art SMASH introduces children to art and develops their artistic techniques. A variety of techniques and materials will be taught, including printmaking, modelling, textiles, collage, sewing, drawing and painting.

Each session is designed to make the most of the children’s learning journeys.

Get in touch